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Layer: Signs (ID: 9)

Name: Signs

Display Field: RD_Name

Type: Feature Layer

Geometry Type: esriGeometryPoint

Description: Prefix - refers to the road's highway system designation• INT • SH• USRD_Name (Road Name) - refers to the highway number (ex. 52, 84)SegCode (Segment Code) - refers to the six-digit segment code assigned to the road on which the sign residesMP (Milepost) - refers to the milepost at which the sign residesDistrict - refers to the district in which the culvert residesNRP (Night Reflectivity Pass) - refers to whether the sign passes or fails night reflectivity testing performed by approved and trained member of the ITD District 3 Traffic group• Pass (1)• Fail (0)NR_Date (Night Reflectivity Inspection Date) - refers to the date on which night reflectivity testing was completedInspector (nspector Initials) - refers to the initials of the individual who completed night reflectivity testingHIP (High Intensity Prismatic) - refers to whether the sign passes or fails high intensity prismatic testing.• Pass (1)• Fail (0)SignNo (Catalog Sign Number) - refers to the numeric sign number that identifies the sign. See the ITD Sign Chart for this number.CatNo (Sign Catalog Number) - refers to the alphanumeric catalog number that identifies the sign. See the ITD Sign Chart for this number.Class (Sign Class) - refers to the category or type of sign• Destination (1)• School (2)• Warning (3)• Special (4)• Regulatory (5)• Object Marker (6)• Route Marker (7)• Informational (8)• Interstate (9)• Other (99)Width (Sign Width (in.)) - refers to the sign's widthHeight (Sign Height (in.)) - refers to the sign's heightDirection (Traffic Served) - refers to the direction of traffic served by the sign• Ascending (1)• Descending (2)Side (Side of Road) -- refers to the side of the road on which the sign resides• Left (1)• Right (2)• Both (3)• N/A (99)Backing (Backing Material) - refers to the sign's backing material type• Aluminum Sheet (1)• Extruded Aluminum Panels (2)• Plywood (3)• Sheet Alum Over Extrusion (4)• Other (99)Mounting (Mounting Type) - refers to the type of mounting on which the sign is mounted• Ground (1)• Cantilever Overhead Sign Structure (2)• Overhead Sign Bridge (3)• Cable Span (4)• Other (99)Support (Support Type) - refers to the material of the signs support• Steel (1)• Wood (2)• Cable span (3)• Overhead Sign Bridge (4)• Other (99)SupportID (Support ID) - refers to the identification number for the support on which the sign resides. Currently, these are not entered and will be derived at a later time.EntryDate (Date of Inventory) - refers to the date on which the sign was recorded into the inventoryComments (Comments) - provides a 250 character text field for inspection notes that do not fall into the categories above or that need additional detailsLocMethod (Location Method) - refers to the equipment with which the culvert's location was recorded• Odometer (1)• Digitized Map/Photo (2)• Mobile Device (with enhanced GPS) (3)• Mobile Device (without enhanced GPS) (4)• Field Grade GPS (5)• Survey (6)• Other (99)

Copyright Text: Idao Transportation Department, District 3, GIS Analyst - Brynn M. Lacabanne

Default Visibility: true

MaxRecordCount: 100000

Supported Query Formats: JSON, geoJSON

Min Scale: 0

Max Scale: 0

Supports Advanced Queries: true

Supports Statistics: true

Has Labels: false

Can Modify Layer: true

Can Scale Symbols: false

Use Standardized Queries: true

Supports Datum Transformation: true

Drawing Info: Advanced Query Capabilities:
HasZ: false

HasM: false

Has Attachments: true

HTML Popup Type: esriServerHTMLPopupTypeAsHTMLText

Type ID Field: null

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