{ "currentVersion": 10.81, "id": 8, "name": "Culverts", "type": "Feature Layer", "description": "Prefix - refers to the road's highway system designationINT SHUSRD_Name (Road Name) - refers to the highway number (ex. 52, 84)SegCode (Segment Code) - refers to the six-digit segment code assigned to the road on which the culvert residesMP (Milepost) - refers to the milepostDistrict - refers to the district in which the culvert residesStructureType (Structure Type) - refers to whether the structure is an inlet or outletInlet (1)Outlet (2)I_OType (Inlet/Outlet Type) - refers to the inlet or outlet's structural typeSingle apron (1)Single headwall (2)Single riprap (3)Double apron (4)Double headwall (5)Double riprap (6)Drop Inlet (7)Siphon (8)Head Gate (9)Other (99)CulvMat (Culvert Material) - refers to the material out of which the culvert is madeConcrete (1)Metal (2)Plastic (3)Other (99)CulvShape (Culvert Shape) - refers to the shape of the culvertRound (1)Box (2)Squash (3)Arch (4)Other (99)CulvPurpose (Culvert Purpose) - refers to the purpose for which the culvert was placedIrrigation (1)Natural Channel (2)Cross Drain (3)Storm Drain (4)Other (99)CoverDepth (Cover Depth (ft))0-5 ft (1)6-10 ft (2)11-20 ft (3)21-50 ft (4)51-100 ft (5)Other (99)Height (Height or Diameter (in)) - refers to the height of the culvert from its base or the culvert's diameter, if circularWidth (Width (in)) - refers to the width of the culvert as measured from its side. If the culvert is circular, this value will match the diamter.CulvCond (Pipe Condition) - refers to the culvert's current condition. Inspection criteria from the maintenance manual should be followed to determine the current condition of the culvert.Clear (1)Fair (2)Poor (3)Collapsed (4)Plugged (5)Other (99)MaintDate (Date of Last Maintenance) - refers to the last date on which the culvert was maintained. For new culverts, refers to the date on which the culvert was recorded into the inventory.CulvMaint (Needed Maintenance) - refers to the maintenance required or the current issue with the culvert.Clean (1)Extend Length (2)Rusting (3)Camera Inspection (4)Erosion of inlet/outlet (5)Leaking (6)Replace (7)None (98)Other (99)FogToHW (Fog Line to Headwall (distance, ft)) - refers to the distance from the road fog line to the culvert's headwall in feet.Comments - provides a 250 character text field for inspection notes that do not fall into the category above or need additional detailsLocMethod (Location Method) - refers to the equipment with which the culvert's location was recorded.Odometer (1)Digitized Map/Photo (2)Mobile Device (with enhanced GPS) (3)Mobile Device (without enhanced GPS) (4)Field Grade GPS (5)Survey (6)Other (99)", "geometryType": "esriGeometryPoint", "sourceSpatialReference": { "wkid": 102605, "latestWkid": 8826, "vcsWkid": 5703, "latestVcsWkid": 5703 }, "copyrightText": "Idaho Transportation Department, District 3, GIS Analyst - Brynn M. 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